Meepillow Kickstarter Launches August 13th, 2015

On August 13th, 2015 you will be able to finally back the Meepillow on Kickstarter! After 6 months of planning and preparing and stressing and learning, the time has come. I'm very excited to finally be able to launch this product and get my company off of the ground!

This venture (or adventure as it seems) started in January when I decided I wanted to make my own way in this world. Or at least try to carve out a piece that was mine. Sometimes 9-5 desk jobs aren't enough to make one happy. Even if they are good jobs, or great jobs, sometimes we need more.

So, I started a company that was born out of a love of good ol' gaming fun - which became Top Shelf Fun!

Meepillows are the first project I had to tackle, and certainly won't be the last. With all the ideas floating around my head, and all the board games I wan't to design, I needed this outlet. The key is that I hope the outlet is needed by others! With how large the tabletop hobby has grown just over the last few years it is safe to say that my work is cut out for me. With all the competition out there from established companies all the way down to homebrew kickstarters, there is a ton of amazing content vying for your dollars. Which is a good thing.

So, thank you for taking the time to read this quick update about my launch day! Mark your calendars. Tell a friend. Or twenty. I'll see you on the other side in less than a week!

And enjoy the Kickstarter video. I hope you like it as much as I had fun writing it.

Spoiler: Think infomercial. A terrible infomercial.



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